subject: QUIT/SAVE OVERVIEW overview: Selecting the "(Q)uit/Save" option in the Main Menu brings up the Filing Options menu shown below. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Filing options: ³ page ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ³(A)ll quit ³ 222 ³(E)xit only ³ 222 ³(F)ile ³ 222 ³(H)ighlight save ³ 223 ³(K)eep changes ³ 223 ³(R)eminder ³ 224 ³(S)ave file ³ 224 ³e(X)it ³ <-- exit Filing Options menu ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Every QUIT and SAVE option in PC-Type II is available from this menu. Except for the options "(R)eminder" and "(K)eep changes", the options are available using keystrokes outside the menus. The following terms are used in this section: QUIT: remove the file data from memory without saving it to disk. SAVE: copy the contents of a file in memory to disk. FILE: SAVE and then remove the file data from memory. REMINDER: a sentence you provide describing the contents of the file which is saved with .PCT files. When a file is removed from memory, if it is the only one, PC-Type II returns to DOS. If more than one file is active in memory, when the file is removed you return to the Edit mode inside another file. If the file being removed from memory was SAVEd then a window like the one below will appear informing you of some statistics about the text just FILEd. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³f.pct ³ ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵ ³ Bytes in: 768 ³ ³ Bytes out: 1024 ³ ³ Words: 103 ³ ³ Sentences: 14 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 212 subject: SAVING discussion: When a file in memory is SAVEd, the filespec of the file you were editing is placed on the Command line and the message line states: Modify and Enter (use PCT extension for document files) (Esc back to PC-Type) Pressing Esc will return you to the file you were editing and abort the process of saving the file. The filespec on the Command Line can be edited. It can contain a drive and path. If no drive or path is provided, the current default directory is assumed. The filespec must, at a minimum, contain a valid filename. A file extension can also be used. When the filespec is completed, press the Enter key. If the filespec does not have a .PCT extension and Special Lines, page markers (other than +0), or print markers exist in your file, you will be asked: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Question: ³ ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵ ³Not .PCT file and document marks present.³ ³They will be lost. Okay? ³ ³Press Y or N ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (1) If you press Esc, you are returned to the Edit mode to the file you were just editing. (2) If you press N, you will be returned to the Command Line so you can modify the filespec. (3) If you press Y, the file contents are copied to the filespec specified, but the Special Lines and print markers will be stripped from the disk copy of the file. Page markers will remain as simple formfeeds. If the filespec does not have a .PCT extension and there are no special marks in the file, then the current active file in memory will be written to disk according to the filespec provided. If the filespec has a .PCT extension but the reminder has not been defined, then you are asked to enter the reminder. If you press Esc at this point, the SAVE is aborted and you are returned to the Edit mode. If a reminder has already been defined, or the "FILE_MSG" toggle in "(S)witches" option of the Configuration Menu has been turned off, then you will not be asked to enter this information. At this point the current active file in memory will be written to disk according to the filespec provided. 213 Before writing the file to disk, PC-Type II checks the filespec you provided to see if a file with the identical filespec already exists. If none exists, then the file is immediately written to disk. If one does exist, then PC-Type II checks the setting of the "BACKUP" toggle in the "(S)witches" option of the Configuration Menu. (See "Configuration Switches (File backup)" in the Configuration section). If this toggle is set to NO, the file merely overwrites the file which already existed. If the toggle is set to YES, then the file which already exists is renamed to have a file extension of .BAK, and the file in memory is written to disk under the given file extension. If the file is SAVEd more than once while it is still in memory, this process is only performed the first time. On subsequent SAVEs, the file will be written on top of the last copy SAVEd. If the "BACKUP" toggle is set to ASK or DAY, then the window: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Question: ³ ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵ ³ ³ ³Create backup file?³ ³Press Y or N ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ is displayed. If you press Esc you will be returned to the Edit mode in the file you were just editing. If you press Y, the existing file on disk is backed up as above. If you answer N, then the file will overwrite the existing copy on disk. As with the toggle setting YES, ASK will only back up the first time the file is SAVEd. On subsequent SAVEs the window will not appear and the backup will not take place. If the toggle is set to DAY, then the above window will only appear if the date on an existing .BAK file has a date prior to the current date. In this mode, a backup will never be created more than one time per day. 214 subject: QUIT/SAVE MENU OPTIONS (A)ll quit: This option is equivalent to pressing Ctrl Break at any point within PC-Type II. You will be returned to DOS regardless of how many files are currently active within PC-Type II. Before this happens, however, the window: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Question: ³ ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵ ³Will immediately return to DOS. Correct?³ ³Press Y or N ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ is displayed to make sure this is what you really want to do. NOTE: If you select this option, any editing you have done during the session (which has not been previously saved) will be lost. (E)xit only: This option is equivalent to pressing F4 when you are in the Edit mode. This option will QUIT the file being edited without saving it to disk. If the file has been modified, you will be asked: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Question: ³ ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵ ³Quitting a modified file. Are you sure?³ ³Press Y or N ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If you press N or Esc, you will be returned to the Edit mode. If you press Y, the file will be removed from memory and you will either be returned to DOS (if this was the only file in memory) or you will be returned to the Edit mode in another active file. (F)ile: This option is equivalent to pressing F9 when you are in the Edit mode. After the SAVE procedure outlined earlier in this section is completed, the file will be written to disk and you will either be returned to DOS (if this was the only file in memory) or you will be returned to the Edit mode in another active file. 215 (H)ilite save: This option is equivalent to pressing Ctrl F9 when you are in the Edit mode. Only that portion of the active file which is highlighted will be saved to disk. If there is no area marked, the window: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º No area currently marked. º ºPress a key to continue ...º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ is displayed. If an area is marked in a different file than the file you are currently editing, the window: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ºHighlight not in active file.º º Press a key to continue ... º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ is displayed. If an area is highlighted in the file you are editing, then the normal SAVE procedure described earlier will take place and the highlighted portion of the file will be written to disk. NOTE: If the area to be saved is highlighted with sentence highlighting, (Ctrl S), it is saved as if it had been highlighted with paragraph highlighting (Ctrl L). (K)eep changes: This option is only available through the Filing Options menu. Selecting this option is equivalent to selecting the "(E)xit only" option (or pressing F4) for all files currently in memory which HAVE NOT been altered, and selecting the "(F)ile" option for all files currently in memory which HAVE been modified. After all the files have been removed from memory, you are returned to DOS. NOTE: this option differs from the "(A)ll quit" option (or Ctrl Break) since modified files are SAVEd. 216 (R)eminder: You are only asked to enter reminder data when files with .PCT extensions are saved. If reminder data has been entered once, you are not prompted again for the information. To be able to modify reminder data, you must select this option from the Filing Options menu. When you select this option, the current reminder data is placed in the Command Line and the Message Line reads: Enter file reminder. Press Enter when done (Esc=Exit) If you press Esc, you will be returned to the Edit mode of the file you are editing. Otherwise, enter the desired information and press the Enter key. Then you will be returned to the file you are editing. This new information will be saved with the file you are editing if you SAVE the file with a .PCT extension. These reminders can be displayed in a report for all the .PCT files in a directory using the program DESC.EXE. They will also be displayed under menus displaying filenames of .PCT files. For example, if you enter the Command Line command "PCT doc*.pct", then a filename menu will be displayed containing all the .PCT files whose filenames begin with "doc". As the selection bar is placed on a filename in the menu, its reminder description is displayed under the menu. (S)ave file: This option is equivalent to pressing Shift F9 when you are in the Edit mode. Like the "(F)ile" option, the "(S)ave file" option" SAVEs the active file to disk. However, the file is not removed from memory. After the file is SAVEd, you are returned to the same file to resume editing. You can use the "(S)ave file" option as many times as you want during an editing session. Unless additional editing changes are made to a file after the "(S)ave file" option has been used, you will not be asked "Are you sure?" when you try to "quit" the file. 217